Saturday, 16 January 2016

presentation: MEDIA A FRIEND OR A FOE

learning to manage media is an important part of our day to day living

Presented at the Calgary South Stake Man to Man Night      November 2006
Stephen D. ZoBell, PhD

Recently, I have been studying what the Apostles have said in their General Conference addresses regarding the Plan of Salvation.  Their teachings verify over and over the truth of the great and wonderful plan.  They inform us that prior to being on this earth we (you and I) lived in a premortal existence with Heavenly Parents.  There we grew and developed and chose to come to this earth where we could obtain a body and spend our time planning, properly preparing our worthiness to return home to Heavenly Father.  I, personally, have no memory of the premortal life.  But if one or more Apostles have said it, then I take it to be an eternal truth.  In my heart, I am grateful for the Savior’s role in the plan of salvation, for it has been through His goodness and mercy that I have anything of value in my life.  And by value I mean the gospel, family, opportunities and challenges.  I believe that there is not only a general plan of salvation, but I can’t escape the notion that each one of us has a specific plan in place that fits each one of us in a unique and personal way.  I believe that each one of us has purpose and divine reasons to be here on this earth.

When I was young my grandfather took me into one of the grain fields of my father’s farm and asked the question:  if you plant wheat what will you harvest?  I thought this was a trick question.  Wheat?  I offered.  Exactly, said my grandfather.  If you plant wheat you reap a harvest of wheat.  I couldn’t believe I passed the test.  Then another question from this aged man of wisdom.  If you see wheat in a field, what was planted?  Hmm, I thought, could this be his trick question?  Wheat?  I offered again.  Exactly.  Then my grandfather summarized:  If you plant wheat you get wheat.  If you plant weeds you get weeds.   And then he directed me to remember that lesson. 

The media provides a mechanism to plant seeds in our mind.  Those seeds will sprout and grow and then we will, in later months, years or decades, reap the harvest of those seeds that we either planted, or allowed to be planted in our souls.  If you plant wholesome seeds you will reap wholesome results in the future.  If the seeds you plant in your mind are unwholesome, the results will be unwholesome.  This is known as the law of the harvest.  Paul said: in the book of Galtians Gal. 6: 7-9 
Be not  deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap

So, the general plan of salvation is designed to hold us responsible for our own futures.  It seems we are placed on earth to see, in our specific plan, if we will plant wholesome and useful seeds, so that we can reap wholesome and useful results as the years and decades go by.  Media plays a huge role in this experience of life.  We are surrounded by various forms of media:  TV, DVD’s, movies, internet, music, texting, magazines, books, computer games, e-mail, chat rooms, cell phones and on and on.  They are all ‘seed planting’ devices.

So let’s address the question:  media, friend or foe?  I submit to you that the media, in and of itself as a tool designed to be a carrier or of information, is neutral.  It’s what we do with this tool of media, as a seed planting device, that makes its application either helpful or harmful.  We decide by our choosing, where we place our focus, whether the media is a friend or a foe. 

In my profession, which is that of a psychologist, we categorize problems that people struggle with.  Functional/mild/moderate/severe.  These categories help us to know the seriousness of our problems.  So, either a person is healthy and functioning well, or they have a mild problem or they have a moderate problem or they have a severe problem.  For the rest of my time I would like to review the concept of media in the light of each one of these categories.

The healthy use of media would mean that you are using TV, computers, books, phones/devices, texting, e-mail, internet, magazines and the like, in order to help you to progress along your personal plan of salvation.  Remember, you came here from the premortal life to serve specific purposes and to choose your way back to the highest level in the next life. In the Book of Abraham (3:25)  we learn that in the premortal life, in the councils being held about our future, the design was to put each of us through a testing ground:  And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them;

 If you use media wisely, you will plant seeds in your mind and in your soul that promote your education, your church activities, your Duty to God awards, your youth awards, your service to others, your talents and abilities, your family involvements and service that you can offer to those around you.  Media would be used to gather constructive information, information that could assist you with your education, help prepare you for your potential career path, service opportunities, Church youth involvements, musical talents, exercise, nutrition, Priesthood responsibilities, to do genealogical research, temple work, and to help with accounting and monetary issues.  I appreciate the benefits that come to me through the media.  In the past month I used the internet to find when the Baton Rouge temple would be available for my wife and I to attend.  I also used the internet to arrange a flight to Regina for a work trip, and I use it daily for banking purposes.  I’m an amateur astronomer so I looked on one of my software programs to see what planets may be in the sky on a given night.  Last week, as a Bishop, I received a number of e-mails that helped me to assist members of my ward.  In my profession I sent out an e-mail to 20 staff members to inform them of a meeting we are holding next month.  While out of town, I used my cell phone to congratulate one of my daughters on the recent birth of our newest grandson.  I hire a genealogist to use the computer and internet media to track down some of my ancestors.  I find that the healthy use of media can enhance our lives, help us to gather useful information, and provide opportunities for growth and development.  By using the media in a productive way we are planting positive ideas in our souls and minds.  If you use media to plant positive productive seeds in your souls and in your minds, what do you get as a result?  Months, years and decades later you will reap a harvest of positive and productive results. When you plant wheat you get wheat.

The use of media can become a problem when it distracts us from continuing with our eternal purposes in life.  It is a problem when the use of media starts taking you away from concrete reality and moves you towards fantasy.  Or, when it takes you off course into activities that are less helpful.  Remember, we came from the premortal existence to fulfill our purposes and missions that will help us to gain the highest levels in the next life.  Mild problems with media can be annoying.  They can cause mild distractions to the responsibilities that you have to be a good student, to be a contributing Quorum member, to be participating in family living, to be of service to others, to practice your lessons for ‘next life’ preparation.  These media distractions can be annoying to yourself and your family.  Hey were trying to start family home evening---and you shout out just a minute as you try to finish the last part of your computer game.  Or you get caught up in a movie and forget to get that last math assignment completed.  You may be doing well with a musical instrument, with an athletic team, in school work, in your youth awards, with your Quorum or in the temple, but without a mild media problem you could do much better.  Your growth is a bit stifled but you are still fairly productive.  If you have a mild problem with media, it is likely that your patriarchal blessing, the Church commandments, family involvement and personal development are all still important to you.  They are just less important than they could be.  If you have a mild problem with electronic or other types of media then work with your parents, set goals and get it corrected.

With a moderate media problem you should start getting concerned.  This is when you use media, and particularly electronic media such as video games, computer games, DVD’s, movies, internet, texting, chat rooms and the like to start escaping the responsibility that you have in getting through this earth life experience.  Instead of doing your homework you watch TV.  Instead of practicing your music or putting effort into athletics you play video games.  Instead of going to activity night, getting involved in Church youth programs or doing your ministering responsibilities, you indulge in electronic media.  In stead of dreaming big for your own self development you allow media to sap the power of your righteous imagination and distort it into fantasies that cannot ever come true.  In a moderate media problem the fantasy characters on the X box become more real than family, quorum members, teachers and even friends.  Grades start to become poor, your enthusiasm for interacting with reality through hiking, biking, athletics, gardening, camping or learning a musical instrument starts to shrink.  The seeds that you are planting by indulging in electronic media will be harvested in negative ways in the future.  Those seeds will bring weeds.  No future employer cares how good you may be at playing a computer game.  No university will allow you acceptance based solely on hours and hours of watching television.  Coaches on athletic teams will scoff when all you can do is push buttons to make colored light flash in different ways.  All of the time that you spend with a moderate media problem cannot be traded off for anything of value in your future.  You will not be able to impress a woman, feed a family, buy a car or make an investment based on extensive media use. 

Let’s do some math.  Let’s consider a 15 year career with a moderate media problem.  First let me say that after I obtained my Bachelor’s degree and my Master’s degree I worked on my PhD.  This was a difficult task for me because I worked on my PhD while working full time, traveling extensively in my profession, fulfilling a calling on the High Council, and working with my wife to raise a family of 5 children.  It took me about 5000 hours of effort to obtain my PhD.  I also want to say that, if my numbers seem ridiculous in the next few statements, last week the Calgary Herald ran a report of research being done in BC where it was found that some older teenagers were spending up to 8.2 hours a day on the internet.

Now the math.  If you start at 4 years old, and I know that some children are propped in front of a TV earlier, but if you start at 4 and you go until you are 19 and you are involved for 1 hour a day in some type of electronic media, like the internet, television, video or computer or handheld games, chat rooms, e-mailing, movies, DVDs etc, then in 15 years you have spent:

1 hour per day over 15 years is 5479.  That’s more hours than I spent getting my doctorate degree.  What could you do with 5500 hours?  Could you learn an instrument, become an excellent athlete; easily get Duty to God on all levels?

2  hours a day over 15 years would be 10958 hours.  What kind of harvest would you like to reap after spending almost 11,000 hours of your time planting seeds?

3 hours a day over 15 years is 16437 hours. 

4 hours a day is almost 21916 hours.  We are talking here about potential black belts in karate and concert pianists if those seeds were planted with the correct focus.

5 hours a day would be 27395 hours.

And 6  hours a day would be 32874 hours.  This, in fact, in just raw time, at my speed, would constitute over 6 PhD’s worth of time.  When you start adding up all of the time it becomes almost unbelievable.  I have done the math over and over, and I didn’t account for leap year or it would have been a bit more.  It is a staggering amount of time.  It is a staggering amount of seeds that are planted.

If you have a moderate media problem you need to know that you will never be able to trade your media experiences for anything of worth in the future.  This type of problem will impair your growth and development in your personal plan of salvation.  If you have a moderate media problem sit down with your parents, leaders or Bishop and figure out how you can re-organize your life so that you are investing your time in a more positive manner and planting better seeds.  If you have a 2 hour a day media involvement (that’s about 700 hours per year) what could you do with that time that would get you something of benefit in the future?  Could you plant better seeds so that you could reap a better harvest?  Could you plant seeds in academics, quorum activities, athletics, mechanics, music, hobbies, camping, competitions, duty to God so that by the time you are 19 you will have something of value and worth to offer the church, an employer, your family or your community?

A severe media problem becomes a tragedy.  It is at this point that media truly becomes a foe and in fact can become a significant enemy and evil force in your life.  I have stood as a witness of those who have wasted their lives by extensive and inappropriate uses of the media.  One of the saddest was a 23 year old man, raised with many opportunities in an urban setting.  He could not read.  Together we calculated that he had spent about 38000 hours on electronic media during his life.  He was addicted to pornography, had seriously harmed family relationships, could not keep a job, failed in athletics and school, could not keep relationships with friends and felt a total and complete failure.  Being absorbed in computer games and videos as a youth kept him from his studies, his athletics, his music, his church, his friends and many other opportunities.  As he grew older, his problem gained momentum.  What a tragedy I witnessed that day.  Well, you need to know that there is hope for this man to change.  But he had to realize the cold hard truth.  When you plant weeds you get weeds. At the point of severe media involvement and exposure, a person’s reality testing ability becomes impaired.  This is because you live more in a fantasy world of electronics than in the real world.  It is in the real concrete world where your personal plan of salvation is acted out, not in cyber space.  Often pornography use becomes prolific in a severe media problem.  As we should all know by now, pornography can be highly addictive and may paralyze a person from moving forward with life.  With a severe media problem, a person no longer finds interest in activities such as athletics, musical instruments, concrete hobbies, camping, hiking, fishing or biking.  The harvest reaped from severe media problems is that of destruction, broken lives, broken families, broken dreams.  This is a tragedy.  In severe problems the media is a foe and an enemy.

In conclusion I would like to make a couple of observations, ask a couple of questions and make a couple of suggestions:

First, my observations
1.     If you look carefully at the Duty to God awards on all three levels,  there is no credit anywhere given for the leisure use of electronic media.  You don’t get points for watching TV, playing computer games or being in chat rooms.  This should be a significant hint.
2.     I observe that the less electronic media involvement for entertainment that a person has, the more successful they tend to be in the world of concrete reality.
3.  Rather than being entertained and lulled by electronic media, we could all learn to take charge of it, make it our servant, and promote the gospel, goodness, reports of good things and how to make our world and yourself a better place.  Some have done this and we should take a lesson from them.  Media can be used as a powerful tool to promote goodness, fairness and high principles of living rather than as a vehicle for amusement.  This is a message for another day.

1.     What do you understand about the general plan of salvation and what do you understand about your specific role in this plan?
2.     What do you understand about the law of the harvest and how it applies to the use of electronic media in your life?  Here are some questions and they are not trick questions:  When you plant wheat what to you get?  When you see wheat in the field what did you plant?  When you, or someone else, plant(s) weeds what do you get?  When you see weeds in the field what did you plant or allow someone else to plant for you?

1.     I would suggest that each one of us examine carefully, and on an ongoing basis, our use and exposure to entertainment with electronic media.  Let’s find out how much time we are actually spending in these activities.  In other words, let’s make an honest accounting.  Examine carefully the seeds you are planting, and honestly recognize the harvest you will reap.
2.     If you have a mild problem with media make some corrections:  change your time for something more valuable.  If you have a moderate problem with electronic media get some help from your parents or leaders to make adjustments to your lifestyle.  If you have a severe problem with the media then get serious about getting some serious help.  Repent.  Go to your Bishop.  Seek some type of serious rehabilitation to get out of an addiction that will destroy many of your opportunities for growth and crush your dreams.  If you are enjoying the healthy use of electronic media then congratulations.  You should be giving this talk.

I know that we lived in the premortal life.  We were all loved and important to Heavenly Father.  We knew the gospel and came here to earth to serve grand purposes and to prove ourselves worthy to return home to our Heavenly Father.  We came to have concrete experiences in the concrete world and in doing so, to find the correct path home.  There are many distractions on the way home.  We cannot and must not allow those distractions to keep us from being the best we can be.  Do not allow the media to bleed off your righteous dreams and your righteous purpose in life.  Five, ten and fifteen years will pass by in your lives.  What do you want to trade that time for?  What harvest do you want to reap?  If you want to grow success and happiness then start planting seeds that will give you success and happiness in the months, years and decades that surely will come.  Now is the time to start.

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