Stephen D. ZoBell, PhD
Decrease harmful stressors:
avoid trying to control others
discard harmful habits
reduce anger and fear
avoid harsh judgements, fault finding and criticism towards
self and others
grieve past losses, heal former trauma, resolve past
home and clothing clean, safe and orderly
stay off harmful paths
avoid self pity
resistance to stressors:
involvement in sincere prayers and scriptures
take responsibility for self care, focus on best self,
develop talents: make specific written goals
good nutrition
appropriate rest and sleep
appropriate hygiene
understand the purpose of sacrifices that are being made
positive self-talk
avoid an entitlement and indulgent mind set
regular aerobic exercise
adaptability to stressors:
consult with others:
you are never alone, develop a sense of belonging, get ideas from others
less negative response to imperfection
see the big picture (pre mortal life/earth life/next life)
appropriate humor
good cheer regardless of circumstances
charity for all
think of others and their perspective, serve and uplift them
allow others to help
forgive self and others
relaxation of body and mind
reframe negative experiences
ask what? and how? more often than why?
Keep a journal of positive and spiritual experiences
Service to others and sacrifice for a cause
Stephen ZoBell, PhD
In a relaxed position, close your eyes.
Breathe out all the way without straining.
Hold out to the count of 3—then breathe in refreshing relaxation.
Breathe out anxiety.
Breathe in relaxation.
Become aware of blinking response, breathing, shallow reaction, heart beat.
Muscle Relaxation
Mildly tighten and then deeply relax each muscle in the body.
Work in a sequential wave that goes from the feet, systematically up the body, to the head, imagining a white light as the wave.
When muscles are deeply relaxed, run another wave of white light from the feet to the head, this time focusing on nerves, bones, tendons, blood vessels, cells, tissues, and body organs. Imagine them as being as relaxed as Jell-o.
Visual Audio Feeling Taste Smell
Focus on mental representations that are personally relaxing and pleasant. Use imagery to see yourself relaxed. See, hear, feel, taste and smell in the imagination, those things that bring a sense of well-being and relaxation.
Mind—Future Focus
Determine what you want (positive, realistic, in line with personal values, character rather than material-oriented).
Use mental representations (visual, audio, feeling, taste, smell) to imagine yourself in the process of getting what you want.
Use mental representations to image the end result. Practice holding these images as long as possible.
Daily relaxation and meditation tends to bring integrity and balance in spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, relational and environmental factors. This allows more resistance to stress and better skills at adapting.